The quality certification was issued under the following category of action : Le Parcours and SAS E-FABRIK'.

E-FABRIK' brings together young people and people with disabilities.
Together, they imagine and produce a concrete solution, to respond to the discomfort experienced by the disabled person on a daily basis, by learning to use the tools and places of digital production.
E-FABRIK' offers a range of 3 programs :
> The Défis E-FABRIK', an educational program over 20 half-days. These challenges allow to connect a disability structure, a youth structure and a place of digital creativity locally.
> The Parcours E-FABRIK', a 4-months training (426h), intended for adults wishing to train in making and digital mediation, applied in particular in the medico-social sector, and to build their professional project.
> The SAS E-FABRIK', a 3-weeks (72h) training course, intended for adults wishing to train in digital making and build their professional project.
At the interface between digital education and social inclusion
Bringing together young people and people with disabilities in a creative community.
Imagining and creating, together, concrete solutions around disability.
Acquiring the skills needed to master new digital tools.
Reclaiming technology through active solidarity and becoming an actor in your territory.
Connecting places of innovative digital and technical creativity with youth and disability structures and their public.
Our association strives to offer its audiences a rewarding and emancipatory experience of sciences and technology. We have learned that when it comes to the appropriation of scientific concepts, it is not so much a question of access to knowledge but more of creating an interest in it, a relevance to its acquisition.
The same goes for digital education : its learning must be accompanied by personal meaning for the learner. This is what we propose in the E-FABRIK' project : giving meaning to the development of digital literacy through social connection.