At 10 rue Vauquelin Paris 5è, within the ESPCI Paris PSL, TRACES has been in charge of managing the Espace des Sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (ESPGG) since 2011. Between being a space presenting animation for the general public and an innovation lab for the mediation and communication of sciences, the ESPGG navigates at the interface between science, culture and society.
It is an open place to promote exchanges, meetings and common reflections between researchers, teachers, journalists, artists, narrators, everyone curious about sciences and cultures.
The action of the ESPGG, which wishes to be a meeting point between Parisians and the scientific world, has six components :
Temporary arts-sciences exhibitions
Permanent exhibition of scientific instruments (including original instruments of Pierre and Marie Curie) ;
Scientific animations ;
Seminars, conferences and experimental conferences ;
Support for science teaching ;
Scientific events.
Contribute to the scientific culture of the greatest number
Catalyze the power to act of young people and strive against their self-censorship towards science
Promoting reflection on science and its challenges
Welcoming and stimulating innovation in terms of public communication of science
Promote the historical scientific and contemporary heritage of ESPCI Paris and PSL University
The ESPGG supports attractive and dynamic events through its activities and exhibitions, aimed at a variety of audiences. But it also offers to professionals concerned and interested about science communication and science-technology-society relations the opportunity to become its users.
If the ESPCI Paris is the place where we forge the world of tomorrow day after day, the ESPGG must be the place where we talk about it, where we anticipate this progress in order to understand the challenges.