Living lab

TRACES has developed a vision of scientific intermediation actions that lies between the production and sharing of knowledge : neither mediation space nor research laboratory, but both at the same time. This reflects a distinctive principle of our actions : we are interested in the knowledge of our audiences rather than their ignorance.
The living-lab approaches respond well to these ambitions. In recent years, we have used it to feed some of our projects.
SISCODE-Codesign for society in innovation and science
SISCODE is a European project whose objective is to stimulate the use of co-creation methodologies and design-thinking at the service of social innovation and Responsible Research and Innovation. Partner of the project, TRACES develops an exploration about the place of algorithms in our personal and professional choices. Within this project, we create situations of co-creation where we are and artificial agents become co-spectators of cultural activities.
SALL -School as Living Lab
The living-lab method can be adapted to the school context. It then becomes a tool to help schools, teachers and students develop open learning environments and become protagonists of concrete solutions to local challenges.
SALL is a project supported in 2020-2023 by the EU-H2020-SWAFS program for the open schooling.
Booklet presenting the project :
News about the project :
Other Projects
The Jeunes éducateurs d'algorithmes (Young Algorithm Educators) project, supported by the Région Île-de-France, applies the approach developed in the SiSCODE project to an exploration work around the presence of AI in our lives, with high school students in the Ile-de-France region.
The development plan of the Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Science Center foresees the creation of a cultural place designed as a research facility for science in society.
In 2016 and 2017, two projects supported by the Région Ile-de-France's Science for All plan allowed us to explore the application of the living-lab approach to scientific mediation : Laboratoires Ouverts et Vivants (Open and Alive Laboratories) and Living Lab 2017.
In 2017, as part of the exploration-exhibition Science Frugale (Frugal Science), we conducted living-lab workshops to contribute to INRA's participatory science program “CiTIQUE”.
🔗 Discover the Science Frugale project website
📁 "The Science Frugale forum-exhibition wins the "Smart and Simple" prize from the Mariano Gago Awards, the international "Cesar" of science museography" - Press release :