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What if every neighborhood had open spaces to explore, understand and engage with sciences ?

Inspired by the Wissen-Raum project born in Austria and supported by the Science Center Netzwerk, Rayon Science is now in its 5th edition.

With “Rayon Science”, we take over empty stores located in the priority neighborhoods of the Paris City Policy and transform them into “pop-up” (ephemeral) science centers where curious people of all ages, and especially young people, playfully engage with science and technology. This open and co-constructed space, with no entrance fees, allows everyone to discuss, explore, create and engage in scientific activities.

We navigate between crafts, use of a microscope, challenges and puzzles, making manipulations, scientific experiments, discussion, etc. All of this depending on the ideas of the mediators, but also those of the participants who are invited to invest the program by proposing workshops and by animating them. For example : making slime and magic sand !

The project
The goals

The objectives of Rayon Science :


1) Putting a scientific culture action in unusual and local places.

2) Offering to young people, who are sometimes distant from science, an innovative mediation program and contact with the world of research.

3) Promoting the diversity and the economic and cultural vitality of a neighborhood through educational action.

The realizations

Rayon science had a first successful experiment in the summer of 2018, rue de Ménilmontant (Paris 20th), then moved into a new space for 5 months in the Danube-Solidarité-Marseillaise district (Paris 19th) between October 2019 and February 2020. It is in this district that we returned throughout the month of July 2020, to reconnect with the inhabitants after the period of lockdown and to continue to offer scientific activities, in the presence and in respect of safety precautions.

Rayon Science then occupied a new space in the 19th arrondissement between November 2021 and January 2022, and opened a new edition in December 2022 in a location shared with several associations, rue Alphonse Karr (Paris 19th).


A project supported and funded by the City of Paris, Paris Habitat, the Région Île-de-France, the Régie de Quartier of Paris' 19th district and Paris' 19th district City Hall. 

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Currently !


From December 8th 2022 to May 5th 2023, TRACES opens a new "Rayon Science" pop-up science center. Residents of the neighborhood are invited to participate in free, fun, creative activities for all ages.

On the program : have fun, build, tinker and discuss science !

📍 2 rue Alphonse Karr 75 019 PARIS

#Paris Habitat

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© 2020 by TRACES

Created with

TRACES Association

23 rue des Balkans

75020 Paris, France

Phone : 01 43 48 36 96

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