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  • Rayon Science | Traces

    IMG_8773 IMG_9114 IMG-4979 IMG_8773 1/12 What if every neighborhood had open spaces to explore, understand and engage with sciences ? Inspired by the Wissen-Raum project born in Austria and supported by the Science Center Netzwerk, Rayon Science is now in its 5th edition. With “Rayon Science”, we take over empty stores located in the priority neighborhoods of the Paris City Policy and transform them into “pop-up” (ephemeral) science centers where curious people of all ages, and especially young people, playfully engage with science and technology. This open and co-constructed space, with no entrance fees, allows everyone to discuss, explore, create and engage in scientific activities. We navigate between crafts, use of a microscope, challenges and puzzles, making manipulations, scientific experiments, discussion, etc. All of this depending on the ideas of the mediators, but also those of the participants who are invited to invest the program by proposing workshops and by animating them. For example : making slime and magic sand ! The project The goals The objectives of Rayon Science : ​ ​1) Putting a scientific culture action in unusual and local places. ​ 2) Offering to young people, who are sometimes distant from science, an innovative mediation program and contact with the world of research. ​ 3) Promoting the diversity and the economic and cultural vitality of a neighborhood through educational action. The realizations Rayon science had a first successful experiment in the summer of 2018, rue de Ménilmontant (Paris 20th), then moved into a new space for 5 months in the Danube-Solidarité-Marseillaise district (Paris 19th) between October 2019 and February 2020. It is in this district that we returned throughout the month of July 2020, to reconnect with the inhabitants after the period of lockdown and to continue to offer scientific activities, in the presence and in respect of safety precautions. Rayon Science then occupied a new space in the 19th arrondissement between November 2021 and January 2022, and opened a new edition in December 2022 in a location shared with several associations, rue Alphonse Karr (Paris 19th). A project supported and funded by the City of Paris, Paris Habitat, the Région Île-de-France, the Régie de Quartier of Paris' 19th district and Paris' 19th district City Hall. Currently ! From December 8th 2022 to May 5th 2023 , TRACES opens a new "Rayon Science" pop-up science center. Residents of the neighborhood are invited to participate in free, fun, cr eative activities for all ages. ​ On the program : have fun, build, tinker and discuss science ! ​ 📍 2 rue Alphonse Karr 75 019 PARIS #Paris Habitat

  • Who are we ? | Traces

    Who are we ? Donnez du sens à votre contribution en soutenant des actions et des compétences au service de la médiation scientifique, de l’inclusion sociale et de l’éducation populaire. The association The team Board Téléchargez le dossier : Taxe The association ​ Shaking up habits and certainties in terms of mediation and science education, starting with our own, thus applying to them the perpetual questioning specific to scientific research : this is what characterizes the approach of TRACES. ​ A reflection and action group on science, its communication and its relationship to society, TRACES brings together professionals involved in research, development and the dissemination of ideas and tools for a fair place for science and technology in society. ​ In this dynamic, at the interface between the academic, associative and private worlds, TRACES seeks to create privileged spaces for taking a step back, experimentation and innovation in the field of public communication of science. ​ Training, advice and mediation in the field enrich each other mutually, through a perpetual interdisciplinary reflection on the convergence of human sciences and experimental sciences. ​ ​ Download our presentation brochure : ​ ​ Download our latest activity report : Comment nous soutenir Comment nous soutenir en quelques clics ​ À partir de 2023, les modalités de collecte et de distribution du solde de la Taxe d’Apprentissage changent ! Après avoir déclaré votre masse salariale 2022 auprès des URSSAF ou de la MSA via la Déclaration Sociale Nominative (DSN) d’avril (exigible le 5 ou le 15 mai), vous pouvez sélectionner le ou les établissements bénéficiaires de votre Solde grâce à la Plateforme de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations : SOLTéA . Les sommes sont collectées par les URSSAF et les MSA et ensuite reversées à la Caisse des Dépôts et de Consignations (CDC). ​ Voici la marche à suivre : ​ 1 - À partir du 25 mai 2023 et jusqu’à début septembre, vous avez accès à la Plateforme SOLTéA , pour choisir le ou les établissements bénéficiaires : . ​ 2 - Connectez-vous sur la Plateforme via vos identifiants Net Entreprises. 3 - Sur le moteur de recherche, rentrez le SIRET de notre association (494 577 851 00020 ), que vous pourrez ensuite sélectionner, ou rendez-vous directement sur la fiche établissement de TRACES. 4 - Fléchez votre solde et attribuez le pourcentage que vous souhaitez à notre association. Il est possible de répartir votre Solde entre un ou plusieurs établissements de la Fondation. 5 - Après validation de votre choix, envoyez-nous un e-mail à en nous indiquant le nom et le SIRET de votre entreprise : en nous informant de votre versement, vous nous permettez d’assurer une traçabilité de votre soutien sur la plateforme SOLTEA. Nous pourrons aussi, si vous le souhaitez, vous tenir informés des projets que nous concrétiserons grâce à votre soutien. ​ À quoi sert votre taxe À quoi sert concrètement votre Taxe d’Apprentissage pour notre association ? ​ Forte de 15 ans d’expérience en France et en Europe, TRACES développe des projets innovants associant culture scientifique, technique et numérique, participation citoyenne et inclusion sociale. ​ Active sur le terrain, TRACES élabore de nouvelles méthodes de médiation, avec une approche ouverte aux interactions avec l’environnement culturel et social, au plus proche des attentes des différent·es participant·es (publics, organisateur·trices, chercheur·euses, expert·es etc.) ​ La collecte de la Taxe d’Apprentissage permet de financer les nombreux projets de notre association, et contribue donc à : ​ ➡ Transformer la culture scientifique en outil pour la participation citoyenne et le lien social ➡ Encourager l’esprit critique et développer les talents et compétences ➡ Animer des espaces de convivialité et de partage des savoirs ​ 🔎 Zoom sur le projet E-FABRIK' ​ Notre association s’attache à proposer à ses publics une expérience gratifiante et émancipatrice des sciences et des techniques. Nous avons appris qu’en matière d’appropriation de concepts scientifiques, il n’est pas tant question d’accès au savoir que de créer un intérêt pour celui-ci, une pertinence à son acquisition. Il en va de même pour l’éducation au numérique : son apprentissage doit s’accompagner d’une signification personnelle pour l’apprenant·e. C’est ce que nous proposons dans le projet E-FABRIK’ : donner du sens au développement d’une littératie numérique par le lien social. ​ En soutenant cette action à l’interface entre éducation numérique et inclusion sociale, la collecte de la Taxe d’Apprentissage permet de : ​ ➡ Rassembler des jeunes et des personnes en situation de handicap dans une communauté créative. ➡ Imaginer et fabriquer, ensemble, des solutions concrètes autour du handicap. ➡ Acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour maîtriser les nouveaux outils numériques. ➡ Se réapproprier la technologie à travers une solidarité active et devenir acteur de son territoire. ➡ Mettre en relation les lieux de créativité numérique et technique innovants avec les structures jeunesse et handicap et leur public. ​

  • ESPGG | Traces

    Project website 1/1 Exposition Atelier de créativité technique Fête de la Science Exposition 1/9 At 10 rue Vauquelin Paris 5è, within the ESPCI Paris PSL, TRACES has been in charge of managing the Espace des Sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (ESPGG) since 2011. Between being a space presenting animation for the general public and an innovation lab for the mediation and communication of sciences, the ESPGG navigates at the interface between science, culture and society. It is an open place to promote exchanges, meetings and common reflections between researchers, teachers, journalists, artists, narrators, everyone curious about sciences and cultures. The action of the ESPGG, which wishes to be a meeting point between Parisians and the scientific world, has six components : Temporary arts-sciences exhibitions Permanent exhibition of scientific instruments (including original instruments of Pierre and Marie Curie) ; Scientific animations ; Seminars, conferences and experimental conferences ; Support for science teaching ; Scientific events. The project Contribute to the scientific culture of the greatest number Catalyze the power to act of young people and strive against their self-censorship towards science Promoting reflection on science and its challenges Welcoming and stimulating innovation in terms of public communication of science Promote the historical scientific and contemporary heritage of ESPCI Paris and PSL University The goals The methods The ESPGG supports attractive and dynamic events through its activities and exhibitions, aimed at a variety of audiences. But it also offers to professionals concerned and interested about science communication and science-technology-society relations the opportunity to become its users. If the ESPCI Paris is the place where we forge the world of tomorrow day after day, the ESPGG must be the place where we talk about it, where we anticipate this progress in order to understand the challenges.

  • Rayon Science | Traces

    Flying Retour projets Rayon Science Centres de culture scientifique éphémère Et si chaque quartier disposait d’espaces libres pour explorer, comprendre et s’engager avec les sciences ? "Rayon science - les sciences en bas de chez vous" se propose d’utiliser des magasins vides comme centres de science “pop-up” (éphémères) où des personnes curieuses, de tous âges et tout particulièrement des jeunes, s'engagent de manière ludique avec la science et la technologie. Cet espace ouvert et co-construit, permet à tous d’échanger, d’explorer, de créer et de s’engager autour d’activités scientifiques. Entrée libre. ​ Les objectifs de Rayon Science : ​ 1) Mettre une action de culture scientifique dans des lieux inhabituels et de proximité. 2) Offrir aux jeunes éloignés de la science un programme de médiation innovante et un contact avec le monde de la recherche. 3) Promouvoir la mixité et la vitalité économique et culturelle d’un quartier à travers une action d'éducation. ​ ​

  • Partenaires | Traces

    Funders and institutional partners ESPCI Paris Université PSL

  • At the service of professionals | Traces

    To accompany you Evaluation Museography Events Evaluations and comparative studies TRACES is also an offer of advice to research organizations, science museums, communities, NGOs and companies who wish to evaluate their programs, their practices and the achievement of their institutional objectives. ​ We continuously and internally evaluate our own programs and are currently in charge of evaluating several scientific culture projects at a local, regional and national level (eg Questions de Sciences, Enjeux Citoyens² — Région Ile de France; Cerveau et Addiction exhibition — Région Nouvelle Aquitaine ; The European Researchers' Night — national programm). Download our evaluative studies' curriculum vitae. Evaluation Museography With the emergence of new cultural practices such as web 2.0 or crowdfunding, the public wants to be involved right from the design phase of the cultural projects they practice. The involvement of visitors in an exhibition project strengthens the links between the public and the institution, allows for mutual enrichment and facilitates the dissemination of knowledge. At the ESPGG, we experience this involvement through co-construction, participation or even the design of exploration-exhibition. Co-construction Through exhibitions like Trajectoires, or even Science Frugale, we collaborate with the general public from the design stage, in the process of creating content and visitor arrangements. Participation Beyond an interactive manipulation or a simple consultation, we have the audacity of an exhibition where the participation of the public during its visit is inseparable from the content of the exhibition. Exploration-exhibition This format combines events and visits to enrich and punctuate the exhibition. It then takes on an organic form, it grows, changes and evolves to explore its theme ever further with the public. Our experience and skills are at your service : For the exhibition Scientific exhibition curator, Mediation and writing of scientific content, Museographic project management, Advice on participation and co-construction tools Around the exhibition Cultural programming Audience research Muséographie Exit the classic conferences with a solitary expert in front of a silent audience! TRACES offers innovative formats of cross-disciplinary events that are enriching both for the public and for the speakers, by favoring exchange and dialogue between all the participants. This participation thus allows everyone to question themselves in their professional and personal practices and to broaden the understanding of the context and the challenges of the theme chosen by the organizers. TRACES adapts to your constraints to design and animate these highlights, and uses the tools of mediation and scientific events at the service of these events. Examples of events organized by the association: - Coordination of the European Researchers' Night in Paris since 2012 - Annual program at the Espace des Sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes - Design and animation of the Grandstands of the Museum "Vivre avec les risques ", "Une planète, une santé ", "Plastiques, l'overdose ? ", "Histoire naturelle de la violence ", "Planète en tension " and "Aux origines du genre " with the National Museum of Natural History - Animation of round tables, science cafés, discussion game evenings, etc. Events Formations

  • Sciences | Lien Social | Traces | France

    TRACES Turning scientific culture into a tool for citizen participation and social connection Recruitment ESPGG #animation #exhibition #research E-FABRIK' #inclusion #fablab #disabilities #youth "Outside the walls" workshops #manips #animations #atomescrochus #toutterrain Rayon Science #inclusion #inyourneighborhood #ephemeral #explore Our training courses #professionals #popularization #scientific communication Living lab #codesign #cocreation #livinglab Past projects #archives Other projects #projects To accompany you #evaluation #events #museo CURRENTLY Newsletters To receive news about our projects, register here: Newsletter subscription

  • Forum enseignant·es | Traces

    Les équipes de TRACES et des Petits Débrouillards Île-de-France sont heureuses de vous convier à leur 💬 Forum enseignant·es Collège - Lycée 📅 Mercredi 17 janvier 2024, de 15h à 16h30 📍 Césure : 13 rue Santeuil -75005 Paris (3ème étage – Salle 323) L’objectif ? Découvrir les projets que nous pourrions mener ensemble cette année, avec votre classe de collège ou de lycée ! Au programme : « Ma démarche pédagogique en 3 minutes chrono » Exposition interactive, parcours écoresponsables, dispositif d’éducation par la recherche… Du jeu sous toutes ses formes à la créativité technique, en passant la démarche expérimentale, la co-construction des savoirs, ou encore l’art et la pensée créative, nos chargé·es de projets vous présenteront les différents formats et démarches pédagogiques utilisés dans nos actions. Stands d’échanges autour des projets Les chargé·es de projets vous attendent autour des stands pour répondre à toutes vos questions et imaginer avec vous les collaborations possibles, adaptées à votre classe, pour l’année à venir. 📎 Vous trouverez ci-dessous un résumé des projets qui vous seront présentés. ​ ​ ​ ​ 💡 Vos enfants sont les bienvenu·es ! Nous les accueillerons autour d'un atelier scientifique, qui sera proposé en continu le temps du forum. /!\ Évènement gratuit, sur réservation, dans la limite des 50 places disponibles. Pour confirmer votre venue, merci de nous contacter : Le forum enseignant·es

  • Cerveaux en boutique | Traces

    ​ 🧠 Cerveaux en boutique ​ 📅 Vendredi 15 mars 2024, de 17h à 19h30 📍 Rue Mouffetard - 75005 Paris ​ Un parcours en déambulation dans les boutiques du quartier Mouffetard, à la rencontre des chercheur·es et commerçant·es 🧠 À l'occasion de la Semaine du Cerveau, l'association TRACES et l'Université PSL vous invitent à la deuxième édition de "Cerveaux en boutique" ! ​ Vendredi 15 mars de 17h à 19h30, venez rencontrer les commerçant·es et les acteurs et actrices des neurosciences et sciences cognitives dans les boutiques de la rue Mouffetard ! 🛍️ ​ Les chercheur·es de l'Université PSL sortent de leur laboratoire pour venir au sein même du quotidien des citoyen·nes, et partager les savoirs sur l’alimentation, la mémoire ou le sommeil, comme on partage nos avis sur la météo, le foot ou la politique dans les queues des magasins. ​ Poussez la porte des boutiques pour participer à une rencontre inédite entre un·e chercheur·e et un·e commerçant·e, lié·es par une même thématique relative à leur recherche et leur activité. Ils et elles vous invitent à partager leurs réflexions pour ce moment d’échange convivial : un regard croisé ouvert à tou·te·s les curieux·euses ! ​ Rendez-vous le 15 mars pour poursuivre votre quotidien sur une touche cérébrale ! Au programme : ​ 📣 Parcours guidés Départs à 17h ; 17h30 ;18h et 18h30. Réservation conseillée via ce formulaire de réservation . Ou par mail : 🗺️ Parcours libres En autonomie, de 17h à 19h30. ​ Plus d'infos ​ Événement gratuit ​ Pour toute question, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter : ​ Cerveaux en boutique

  • Living lab | Traces

    Living lab Site du projet Living lab Living lab Living lab Living lab 1/3 The approach TRACES has developed a vision of scientific intermediation actions that lies between the production and sharing of knowledge : neither mediation space nor research laboratory, but both at the same time. This reflects a distinctive principle of our actions : we are interested in the knowledge of our audiences rather than their ignorance. The living-lab approaches respond well to these ambitions. In recent years, we have used it to feed some of our projects. ​ SISCODE ​ SISCODE-Codesign for society in innovation and science ​ SISCODE is a European project whose objective is to stimulate the use of co-creation methodologies and design-thinking at the service of social innovation and Responsible Research and Innovation. Partner of the project, TRACES develops an exploration about the place of algorithms in our personal and professional choices. Within this project, we create situations of co-creation where we are and artificial agents become co-spectators of cultural activities. More informations ​​ SALL ​SALL -School as Living Lab ​ The living-lab method can be adapted to the school context. It then becomes a tool to help schools, teachers and students develop open learning environments and become protagonists of concrete solutions to local challenges. ​ SALL is a project supported in 2020-2023 by the EU-H2020-SWAFS program for the open schooling . ​ Booklet presenting the project : News about the project : Other projects Other Projects ​ The Jeunes éducateurs d'algorithmes (Young Algorithm Educators) project, supported by the Région Île-de-France, applies the approach developed in the SiSCODE project to an exploration work around the presence of AI in our lives, with high school students in the Ile-de-France region. ​ The development plan of the Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Science Center foresees the creation of a cultural place designed as a research facility for science in society. In 2016 and 2017, two projects supported by the Région Ile-de-France's Science for All plan allowed us to explore the application of the living-lab approach to scientific mediation : Laboratoires Ouverts et Vivants (Open and Alive Laboratories) and Living Lab 2017 . In 2017, as part of the exploration-exhibition Science Frugale (Frugal Science) , we conducted living-lab workshops to contribute to INRA's participatory science program “ CiTIQUE ”. 🔗 Discover the Science Frugale project website 📁 "The Science Frugale forum-exhibition wins the "Smart and Simple" prize from the Mariano Gago Awards, the international "Cesar" of science museography" - Press release :

  • Our training courses | Traces

    Our trainings Site du projet 1/1 ESTIM L'École de la Médiation (School of Mediation) is a multi-partner project coordinated by Universcience, and of which the TRACES association is a part. It develops a continuing education offer for professionals in cultural and scientific mediation in France, it monitors business practices and promotes the profession. The École de la Médiation revolves around 3 operational axes of development : 1. A laboratory of ideas which develops the content of future training courses and arranges the necessary places for their operation. 2. A training center that sets up the training offer and trains trainers. 3. An observatory that studies the practices of scientific mediation professions and follows developments and innovations in the world. Among the training offer that the École de la Médiation offers to mediators, science communication professionals and facilitators of structures welcoming the public, the TRACES association is strongly involved in the conception and animation of several of them, in particular : * Innovate in our mediation practices * Involving audiences in mediation through participatory approaches * Promoting diversity and equality : social inclusion in scientific and cultural mediation DU Diplôme Universitaire de médiation scientifique (University degree in scientific mediation) ​ University degree course focused on emerging/innovative scientific and technical culture dissemination systems. 110 hours of lessons spread over 60 consecutive days. This DU is open in initial training as well as in continuing training. It is intended for the following audiences : students with scientific training, teachers professionally concerned with scientific and technical culture professions, researchers who devote a significant part of their activity to scientific and technical culture. Among the topics covered in this training : museology, radio journalism, public-facing mediation, scientific and technical culture on the web, socio-technical controversies. Researchers Training for research professionals ​ The training offer in mediation and scientific communication is also aimed at doctoral students, researchers and research professionals. We offer traditional training modules, aimed at transmitting the fundamental skills to properly conceive and carry out communication actions, both within the scientific community and to external audiences. We also offer modules aimed at understanding the challenges of open science, responsible research and innovation, science in culture, and more generally modules for understanding and controlling the societal impacts of research. Indeed, we believe that to properly interpret the role of research in our contemporary society, it is no longer sufficient for a researcher to learn to speak well to the public : it is also important to know how to listen well to the public. Our training, in French or in English, have been offered to various universities, research organizations and companies, such as ENS Lyon, ESPCI Paris, Université PSL, Université de Paris, or AXA Research Fund. Some recent examples of our trainings : * DIM Ile de France laboratories masterclass (1h30); * Training for ESPCI – COFUND doctoral students “ UPtoPARIS ” (8h); * “ Science in culture ” course, AIV Master – CRI Paris – University of Paris (32h). Professionals The TRACES association offers tailor-made trainings for professionals in the field of animation, mediation and communication of science and digital technology, by making it possible to feed, strengthen and develop the practices and skills of each one, depending on their needs. We thus develop tailor-made training, intended for a structure, a network of partners or an institution, wishing to bring together its teams and its members around a theme or a practice, allowing everything both to strengthen skills, but also to stimulate an exchange, a dialogue or a new axis of development, between peers. We lead training in mediation and science experimentation, aimed at facilitators of a municipality or a media library wishing to develop this axis in their programming. We work with science mediation networks around issues of including all audiences in their activities. We offer introductions to technical creativity with teams wishing to lead this type of workshop, independently. If you want to set up tailor-made training for your teams, your colleagues and your partners, do not hesitate to contact us!

  • PPSMJ & MLDS | Traces

    PPSMJ & MLDS Actions vers les publics marginalisés Des programmes spécifiques sont proposés aux publics "éloignés", par exemple aux Personnes Placées Sous Main de Justice (PPSMJ) et dans les Maisons de Lutte contre le Décrochage Scolaire (MLDS). Au centre de détention de Melun, TRACES propose aux PPSMJ deux cycles d’actions éducatives autour de la créativité technique d’une part et de l’esprit critique d’autre part, en vue de stimuler les capacités de réflexion, de réflexivité, d’apprentissage et de suspension du jugement a priori. Dans les Maisons de Lutte contre le Décrochage Scolaire, Traces propose aux jeunes de réutiliser de manière libre du matériel électronique/informatique destiné au rebut. On ne répare pas : on démonte et on détourne pour construire ensemble de petites choses interactives et artistiques. Un seul mot d’ordre : libre cours à son imagination ! Flying Retour projets

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